Mississippi Enterprise for Technology (MSET) has entered a strategic partnership with the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) as part of an ongoing campaign to build stronger relationships and greater collaboration between federal laboratories and small businesses, while facilitating economic development in the Southern Gulf Region of the U.S. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between MSET and the FLC on November 7, 2022.
The FLC has a mission to increase the impact of federal laboratories’ technology transfer for the benefit of the U.S. economy, society, and national security.
Under the agreement, the FLC and MSET will jointly encourage collaborations between federal laboratories and regional businesses to help move technologies out of the lab and into the marketplace – a vital process known as technology transfer. These public-private partnerships will support new innovations, leading to job creation and economic benefits.
The FLC and MSET will work together to promote and participate in mutually beneficial activities such as joint meetings, sponsorships, and special events to connect federal labs with entrepreneurs and small businesses and spur economic development with the Stennis Space Center and the Southern Gulf Region.
“I’m proud of our new agreement with FLC. This public private partnership will expand access to resources and expertise for MSET’s client companies, enhance Stennis Space Center, and lead to a stronger economy in Mississippi and our region,” said Davis Pace, MSET President and CEO.
“This collaboration with MSET will help facilitate more public-private partnerships in the Southern Gulf Region and with the Stennis Space Center, providing greater opportunities for innovative technologies, creating jobs and expanding the economy,” said Paul Zielinski, FLC Executive Director. “The FLC appreciates the growing support for technology transfer that we’ve seen in this region, and we’re excited to be able to help MSET and its partners build on that momentum.”
About FLC: The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) is a formally chartered, nationwide network of more than 300 federal laboratories, agencies, and research centers that foster commercialization best practice strategies and opportunities for accelerating federal technologies from out of the labs and into the marketplace. To learn more, visit www.federallabs.org.
About MSET: Mississippi Enterprise for Technology was formed through a joint effort between the State of Mississippi, NASA, and the Mississippi institutions of higher learning, MSET is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that facilitates regional economic development by leveraging the resources of Stennis Space C enter, the State, and the region.
Using the scientific and technical resources of NASA and other resident agencies in the State, MSET promotes growth in existing industry, stimulates new business, and attracts high-tech companies to the region by providing companies crucial business and technology-related services, opportunities for partnerships and collaboration, entrepreneurial resources, and access to state and federal technology portfolios.