Browse Aerospace & Defense Symposium 2023 Presentations

The Mississippi Aerospace and Defense Symposium will bring together leaders from Industry, Academia, and the public sector to meet and connect with one another; learn about the state’s growing aerospace and defense industry; and promote opportunities throughout Mississippi. The symposium will include three days of networking, briefings, panel discussions, and valuable updates from government and partner organizations. The symposium will also serve as the kickoff for the Mississippi Enterprise for Technology’s (MSET) aerospace and defense cluster.
MSET is currently working a DOD grant through the University of Southern Mississippi to formalize a state-wide aerospace and defense cluster. This cluster is intended to support industry-wide needs, promote economic development, and foster information sharing and strategies for growth among its industry partners.
MSET has identified nearly 100 companies in the state of Mississippi that support aeronautics, aerospace, and/or DOD projects and programs. Supporting DoD alone, Mississippi receives $5B in annual contracts. However, there is little coordination to these three sectors that would allow for a stronger voice. The goal of this cluster will be to provide a convening entity for these industries to connect small, Mississippi companies with prime contractors and address supply chain concerns across relevant federal agencies. MSET recently performed a SWOT analysis that identified potential avenues to coordinate industry with state assets. The Aerospace and Defense Cluster Symposium will formally kick-off the Cluster’s efforts. We are certain that the voice will grow stronger as we are able to identify or recruit new companies as cluster members. Further, this cluster and symposium will identify resources to support existing missions in the state and provide industry leaders an opportunity to connect with each other and valuable resources in the state.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Want to be a sponsor for this event? Email Sara Doss,
Need some fun things to do while visiting Starkville and attending the Symposium? Check these out!